YOUTH 2020 - The position of young people in Slovenia

Employment and entrepreneurship  157 In the context of social value creation and sustainable actions, various aspects of job satisfaction and the promotion of individual potential and creativity are also relevant to social entrepreneurship. Young people val- ue these aspects of employment very highly and clearly understand their work more broadly, not just as a contractual relationship to earn an in- come, but as an opportunity for self-fulfilment, career and personal growth, well-being, and the creation of social value that benefits the im- mediate and wider community. For example, more than 60% of respond- ents consider it very important that their work is interesting. The ability to express one’s potential is also high on the priority list, with 43.4% of respondents considering it very important. Autonomy at work, which is closely linked to self-fulfilment and to the interesting nature of the work, is very important to 32.8% of young people, while being able of schedul- ing one’s work throughout the day and week is an aspect of work that young people do not consider to be so important (24.9%). On the other hand, the community moment, which is linked to the importance of cre- ating a team and a pleasant working climate, again appears to be more important, with 36.4% of young people considering the opportunity to socialise and talk with colleagues to be a very important aspect of work. In social entrepreneurship, there is a positive interpersonal interaction that contributes to the dissemination of information among employees, but at the same time it is not limited to work tasks and purely financial aspect of the job. The aspect of creating a positive climate and cohesion, which is the basis for creating social value and sustainable action, is very important. The importance of the team and the overall social climate is also indicated in the statement below. “My desire is basically to create a cooperative, a kind of ‘community centre’, that would combine many aspects of the community. Through my life and experience I want to build up a team of people that I really trust and that I really want to do this with. It has to be something that’s really sustainable.” (Edi, 25 years old, married bisexual trans man, vegan)