YOUTH 2020 - The position of young people in Slovenia

Employment and entrepreneurship  129 The data show some improvement in terms of the structure of the work- force itself, with a slight increase in the share of permanent employees, on account of a decline in precarious employment situations. This is in line with the trends shown above, which show that there has been a de- cline in temporary and part-time employment since 2015. A look at the identified shares of unemployed young people provides in- teresting comparisons. If we restrict ourselves to the 15-24 age group, we can compare our data on ‘perceived unemployment’ with official data on survey and registered unemployment. It turns out that the un- employment rate based on our indicator of the respondent’s self-defini- tion as unemployed is significantly higher compared to both official un- employment rate indicators (Figure 3.7). These findings suggest the existence of so-called ‘invisible unemployment’ (Walden, 2018). Figure 3.7: Youth unemployment rate (%), 15-24 years old, 2019/2020, according to various methodologies. 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Eurostat - LFS 2019 8.2 12.6 Employment Service of Slovenia - Registered Unemployment Rate 2019. 15.9 23.0 Mladina 2020 - »Perceived« unemployment rate* 0% Sources: Employment Service of Slovenia; Eurostat – Population and social conditions/Employ- ment and unemployment (Labour Force Survey); Mladina 2020. Note: The rate is calculated by dividing the number of those out of work by all those not in edu- cation or training.