YOUTH 2020 - The position of young people in Slovenia

124 Figure 3.2: Share of temporary workers, EU-15 and Slovenia, by age group and selected years. 1996 2000 2005 2010 2015 2019 EU-15 (15 - 24) EU-15 (15 - 74) Slovenia (15 - 24) Slovenia (15 - 74) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Source: EUROSTAT – Population and social conditions/Employment and unemployment (La- bour Force Survey). Moreover, although this age segregation of the labour market is some- thing that is common in most EU countries, Slovenia is consistently at the top of the EU in its prevalence of temporary jobs among young peo- ple (despite a recent decline), with a 62% share (the rate is even higher for young women: 74.3%; young men: 52%). Although youth unemployment in Slovenia has consistently been below the EU average, Slovenia has the highest prevalence of temporary employment among young people in the EU. In the longer term, there is also an upward trend in the share of young peo- ple with part-time contracts – the share of part-time contracts among young people increased by around 240% between 1999 and 2014. The trend reversed after 2015, practically matching the otherwise rising EU-15 average (Figure 3.3).